Author Guidelines

JAS (Jurnal Akuntansi Syariah)

Writing Terms and Procedures:

  1. The manuscript is written in Indonesian or English following the specified format.
  2. The author registers (click here).
  3. The author submits the manuscript no later than 2 months before publication.
  4. The editor will accept posts and check whether it is feasible to proceed to the reviewer.
  5. If the writing is feasible it will be sent to the report by the editor. If the writing is not feasible, the writing will be rejected.
  6. After the reviewer receives the writing, the reviewer will check again whether it is appropriate to be reviewed. They will be examined and reviewed and given notes or input if feasible. If it is not feasible, it will be rejected.
  7. If there is a revision, it will be notified, and the author must revise and resend the revised writing, then step 4 again.
  8. There will be a notification that the writing was received if it has been received.
  9. Then the writing the reviewer has received will be edited by the editor. The editor has the right to summarize, reduce and improve the format of the writing to be published in the journal without changing the substance of the content and writing.
  10. After editing the writing, the production process is done in pdf format.
  11. Then, the editor will publish the article while waiting for the writings of other writers worthy of publication and for the latest journal to be published online and printed.

Writing Standards:

  1. Systematic writing for the results of research or field research at least includes Introduction, Literature Review and Hypothesis Development (for qualitative research only literature review), Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusions and References. Acknowledgements or Awards (if any "only for sponsors") are placed after the Conclusion and before the References.
  2. Articles are typed using:
    • Font Cambria
    • The title font size is 20 points; fill in font size is 12 points
    • Typing distance 1 space, after and before spacing 0 pt.
    • A4 paper size (210 x 297 mm)
    • The left, top, right and bottom margin is 2 cm (2 2 2 2 cm).
  3. Each page is numbered sequentially at the bottom right.
  4. Figures, graphs, and tables must be numbered.
  5. Writing as efficiently as possible following needs with a minimum length of 12 pages and a maximum of 25 pages.
  6. Latin names, Greek, regional languages and foreign terms that have not been English are italicized.

Writing Systematics:

  1. Title is written in a specific, informative unit that describes the manuscript's contents. The title is written in capital letters with a Cambria font size of 20 points, spaced in one space, a maximum of 15 words, and located in the left without a period. 
  2. Author's name is written in full without an academic degree accompanied by the name of the author's institution and e-mail.
  3. Abstract is written in one paragraph of 100-200 words using English. The abstract contains a research objectives (purpose), method, findings, and implications, written in one space.
  4. Keywords are consisting of 3-5 words, to facilitate writing indexing.
  5. Introduction contain 4 or 5 paragraphs regarding research phenomena, literature facts ending with gap research/different and novelty from previous studies, research objectives, and reasons/statements that provide value/significance/justification for conducting research.
  6. Literature review contains theories related to research and hypothesis development (if any).
  7. Method contain research design or type of research, data sources, population and sample, data collection techniques, operational variables (if any), and analysis techniques.
  8. Results and discussion contains a description of the results of data analysis, hypothesis testing, discussion of answering research questions, findings and interpretation of the findings, and ends with an explanation of what needs to be done next based on the findings.
  9. Conclusions consist of 3 paragraphs, namely the core results of research findings, implications and limitations of the research, and research suggestions.
  10. Acknowledgements (if any) were conveyed to various parties who helped "to sponsor" so that the research could be completed.
  11. References use Mendeley desktop with the Chicago Manual of Style 17th editor (author-date). 80% of the references are from International journals in the last 10 years.
  12. Appendix (if any), provide attachments to complement the manuscript.

Tables and Figures:

  1. Titles of tables, graphs, histograms, sketches and pictures (photos) are numbered sequentially. Short and clear title along with the units used. The illustration's title is written in Cambria font size of 12 points, and the beginning of the word uses a capital letter (capitalize each word), with a spacing of 1 space. Fill in the table using Cambria font with a size of 11 points.
  2. Sources of Tables and Figures must be included, written on the bottom left using Cambria font size 9 points and spacing of 1 space.
  3. The writing of decimal numbers in the table for Indonesian is separated by a comma (.)  is used.
  4. The unit of measurement uses the International System).


In-text citations using Mendeley desktop with style Chicago manual of style 17th editor (author-date).


Use Mendeley desktop with the Chicago Manual of Style 17th editor (author-date). 80% of the references are from International journals in the last 10 years.


Footnotes are used only to provide additional explanation/analysis, which, when combined with the manuscript, will disrupt the continuity of the manuscript. Thus footnotes are not used for reference. Footnotes must be numbered and printed superscript. The text from the footnotes is placed directly on the page where there is a superscript number (footnote).

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